With the success of Why I Care About Sharks my customers received funding for a second children’s natural history curriculum book. Consuming Coral Reefs addresses the changing landscape of our oceans’ coral reefs and the impact it is having on our world.
Like Sharks, Reefs boasts breathtaking photography, smart infographics and a similarly intriguing nonfiction narrative across 80 pages in the same oversized hardcover—9-3/4" x 13-1/4".
My roles on the Reefs book included art direction, design and layout, digital illustration and graphics, map design and illustration, information graphics design, production artwork development and pre-press, printing/binding coordination with our Hong Kong printer.
My customer, Fintegrity, is a nonprofit conservation and education organization which functions solely off of funds from grants and gifts: www.GetFintegrity.org
Consuming Coral Reefs sits production ready as my customers look to raise additional funds to print additional books.
Book cover—a digital illustration combining elements from eight different photographs.
This custom reference map of Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean regions is located on the front end-pages of Reefs and highlights endangered sea creature aggregations referenced throughout the book.
I designed the opening and closing pages of Reefs (tile page, copyright and acknowledgements pages, this contents spread, authors page and the rear index pages) to look like a scrap book/photo album containing digitally stylized family photographs of the authors.
Reefs opens with a Prologue and a visual concept which required me to digitally convert a coral reef photograph into a jigsaw puzzle.
Chapter 8 of Reefs features a grandfather’s photo album of past ocean fishing adventures. I digitally illustrated the image for this spread utilizing more than 50 images, many of which I scanned, photographed and composed for this piece.
Below are several chapter spreads from Consuming Coral Reefs.
This custom reference map of Western Pacific regions is located on the back end-pages of Reefs and highlights endangered sea creature aggregations referenced throughout the book.
Why I Care About Sharks is a 72 page oversized hardcover children’s natural history book (9-3/4" x 13-1/4") full of stunning photography, scientific illustrations, cartoons, information graphics and a compelling nonfiction narrative.
My roles for the book included art direction, design and layout, digital illustration and graphics, information graphics design, production artwork development and pre-press, printing/binding coordination with our Hong Kong printer.
Designed to compete at the retail level Sharks is first a textbook for a comprehensive school curriculum package originally targeted to english-speaking international students.
My customer, Fintegrity, is a nonprofit conservation and education organization which functions solely off of funds from grants and gifts: www.GetFintegrity.org. Sharks is currently in preparation for its third print edition as well as several Asia Pacific translations.